Table of Contents Don't put anything here Page Content Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Don't put anything here Acknowledgments ix A Note on Translation, Quoting, and Pseudonyms xiii **0 [[chapter0|The Wrong Place]] 1** **1 Global Worlds of Practice 21** **2 The Global Tongue 47** **3 Nerds from the Baixada and Other Places 71** **4 Software Brasileiro 93** **5 Downtown Professionals 115** **6 Porting Lua 135** **7 Fast and Patriotic 1** **8 Dreams of a Culture Farmer 179** **9 Conclusion 205** Notes 217 References 231 Index 231 Don't put anything here Advanced Fields Page Name (for URL) Mark this node as deleted Page Title Owners Node creator Creation Time Breadcrumb Text Category About the AuthorChapter ZeroContactDissertationErrataIntroductionOrdering InformationOriginal QuotationsSearchTable of ContentsTranscription Method A summary of your changes Don't put anything here save preview cancel