The Dissertation Don't put anything here Page Content <i>Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City</i> is based on a UC Berkeley dissertation entitled <i>Coding Places: Uneven Globalization of Software Work in Rio de Janeiro</i>, completed in May 2009. The text of the original dissertation is available [here](/static/takhteyev_2009_dissertation.pdf). It should be cited as: > Takhteyev, Yuri. Coding Places: Uneven Globalization of Software Work in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [Ph.D. Dissertation], > University of California, Berkeley. May 2009. The text of [[index|the book]] is substantially different from the dissertation, so the dissertation should **not** be used in lieu of the book. In particular, the content of the dissertation should **not** be cited as if taken from the book. Don't put anything here Advanced Fields Page Name (for URL) Mark this node as deleted Page Title Owners Node creator Creation Time Breadcrumb Text Category About the AuthorChapter ZeroContactDissertationErrataIntroductionOrdering InformationOriginal QuotationsSearchTable of ContentsTranscription Method Don't put anything here Don't put anything here A summary of your changes Don't put anything here Don't put anything here save preview cancel